This site hosts the legal reverse engineering efforts of the PGO API, due to the explicit legality of Reverse Engineering in Australia. Read more on the Legalities page.

If you have any questions about the laws of the Australian Legal system (under which this website operates) you are urged to contact Electronic Frontiers Australia.

Git Repository

The public Git repostitory is coming soon. For the moment, a simple download of the reverse engineered code is available here.

This is an interim release, a simple tar.gz of a git repository containing the required files. It is not expected that this be used by end users.

It is expected that this will provide a foundation for a double clean room interpretation of the code, which will then be perfectly legal in any juristiction.


We welcome all contributions. Please note that due to various differing laws around the world, it is strongly advised that you do any decompilation or reverse engineering on servers hosted in Australia.

A simple way to do this is to deploy an AWS instance in the 'ap-southeast-2' region, which will then be located in Sydney.